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My practice examines The Human and its bodily condition, driven through an obsessive inquiry into concepts of skin, materiality, otherness, duality, and the dimensions and limitations of the physical body.  The work is realised through an intensive interdisciplinary approach, incorporating an extensive range of materials and processes, from tapes, glues, foams and found objects to oil painting, photography and wax modelling.  I draw from a variety of disciplines including science, philosophy, literature and mythology, and works will often reference art history, religious iconography and historical medical illustration.


I am fascinated by the human form and how we as humans are bound in a way by the extent of our own skins. In an effort to explore how  humans can push beyond our mortal coils, I have recently began employing both digital and augmented realities, exploring and posing the question will the human form die, thrive or learn to co-exist, should these realities become ubiquitous.


Harbouring dualities of real and artificial, inside and outside, presence and absence, life and death, the works probe these existential concerns through an explorative and often playful sensibility.  The exhaustive, immersive and unrelenting nature of my studio methodology, manifests as a deep questioning, which efforts to enhance an empathetic fathoming of what it means to be human.


Artist Statement
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